Types of family planning pdf

Overview of planning toolkit on overview of planning by janet shapiro email. Natural family planning or nfp, is, in a nutshell, a rejection of artificial contraception in favor of utilizing the natural times of fertility and infertility in a womans cycle to plan to achieve or avoid pregnancy. There are three major classifications of natural family planning methods. There are different methods of contraception, including. Download as a pdf or order multiple copies of this pamphlet. Women have a wider choice of family planning methods as compared to men. Fact sheet contraception choices family planning nsw. When picking out the best method of contraception, a doctor factors in your health and. Postpartum contraception, family planning methods and. Birth control methods options chart spanish pdf 211. Additionally, there are many who might wish to use contraception but are not, necessarily, planning a family e. Std services also promote preconception health but are listed separately here to highlight their importance in the context of all types of family planning visits. Different types of family planning methods how to adult.

This may be done before a couple has had their desired number of children. Different methods of family planning apt parenting. Planning is a complex process that can take many forms. Planning is the process by which managers establish goals and define the methods by which these goals are to be attained. Female abdominal, laparoscopic, and hysteroscopic 0. Family planning aids in the management of a familys finances because parents are able to plan for their children in terms of providing basic needs for them. Who library cataloguinginpublication data a guide to family planning for community health workers and their clients. Choosing a family planning method hesperian health guides.

Different methods of family planning family planning involves the use of all techniques, practices, and medical devices that help a couple plan their family. In this section, we will offer a selection of articles, guidance, statements or other resources. Different types of family planning methods for men and women. Barrier methods of family planning hesperian health guides. When contraception is used to space birth, couples may start to use family planning earlier with the intention to delay a pregnancy. The copper iud can be inserted up to five days after unprotected sex, and is more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. Barrier methods, which prevent pregnancy by keeping the sperm from reaching the egg. To make a good decision you must first learn about the different methods, and their advantages and disadvantages. The family planning programme was also target oriented and the target was to reduce the birth rate to 25 per persons by 1973. Helping you choose the method of contraception that is best for you natural family planning natural family.

This lesson will explain the four types of planning used by managers, including strategic, tactical, operational and contingency planning. Family planning methods or the synonym birth control method helps to limit the number of children and at the same time give the couple to control the timing of pregnancy. When taken in the first 72 hours 3 days, it prevents about 85% of expected pregnancies. Prbs 2019 family planning data sheet provides the latest estimates of family planning indicators for approximately 160 countries around the world. Talk to your healthcare provider to determine the best type of birth control for you. There are two types of emergency contraception to choose from in canada. You want to be sure that you are on the same page and. Understanding the importance of family planning in your. Above all, you want to know when the time is right. Planning is important as by nature it enquirers about organizational goals and involves decision making about desired ways and means to achieve goals. Family planning makes use of birth control techniques to primarily decide the number of offspring a family will have and the best time to have each one. While nothing will be perfect, as you consider the types of family planning that you will use as a couple, be sure that your opinion is also taken into consideration and when you are both ready. Natural family planning, or nfp, is the only option that is free and has no impact on health 1. Under it, the couples were given advice on different types of family planning methods to be adopted.

According to the world health organization, family planning is not just about preventing pregnancy, but also about timing conception so that every baby is wanted and planned 1. Emergency contraceptive pills or a copper iud after unprotected intercourse substantially reduces risk of pregnancy. Postpartum return of fertility timing and initiation of method types use of key contraception methods. It is achieved through the use of contraceptive methods.

In study session 5 of the antenatal care module, you learnt about the physiological processes and. Hormonal methods, which prevent the womans ovary from releasing an egg, make it harder for the sperm to reach the egg, and keep the lining of the womb from supporting a pregnancy. The fp2020 secretariat is working with partners around the globe to understand and share how this pandemic is affecting our focus countries including papua new guinea. Many of the methods are supported and taught by catholic organizations because the catholic church as an organization continue reading types of natural family planning. Family planning is one of the 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century. Family planning in the era of health reform was written by adam sonfield, kinsey hasstedt and rachel benson gold, all of the guttmacher institute. Featured indicators include the percentage of married women using modern and traditional family planning methods, unmet need for family planning, use of modern contraception by wealth group, and demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods. The services listed in this column are for women without symptoms suggestive of an std.

Fertility awareness involves being able to identify. The decision of which birth control method to use is often based on health concerns, habits, and vital personal preferences like religion. A guide to family planning for community health workers and their clients adapted from the whos decisionmaking tool for family planning clients and providers. Planning is the process of determining how the organization can get where it wants to go certo, 2000, p. While this handbook covers many topics, 4 overall themes emerge.

Family planning benefits women, families, communities, and societies. Introduction to family planning in malawi key points international declarations recognize the importance of access to reproductive health, including family planning, as a basic human right. Understanding the importance of family planning in your marriage. In order to understand the ways that natural family planning methods can prevent pregnancy, it is important for you to know each type and its techniques of use. They are not meant to be used for ongoing contraception, in place of a regular method. Depo provera an injection of progestogen stops ovaries from releasing an egg each month no serious concerns one injection lasts 12 weeks doesnt interfere with sexual intercourse usually no periods useful for women who cant take combined pill. Read the core module thoroughly and then the satellite module of your respective category.

Family planning is sometimes used as a synonym or euphemism for access to and the use of contraception. There are different kinds of planning and different ways of planning. Checklists for family planning and related preventive. The natural family planning methods do not include any chemical or foreign body introduction into the human body. Family planning, also known as contraception or birth control, is a way to control unwanted pregnancies. Counseling for family planning 1 introduction 4 identify participants feelings and attitudes 6 define key terms 8 reasons for and factors in counse ling 15 major principles of counseling 17 characteristics and skills of family planning counselor 19 the gather approach 21 misconceptions and. Such methods are also known as fertilitybased awareness methods. Can you think of examples of how family planning can benefit women and children.

Many methods of family planning are available, so each couple should be able to find one that is right for them. There are many different types of contraception available in aotearoa new zealand. Family planning is achieved through the use of contraceptive methods and the treatment of infertility inability to have children planning when and how many children to have is the couples responsibility, not just the mans or womans family planning is just as important for newly married couples as it is for those who already have. According to the american college of obstetricians and gynecologists, nfp requires learning the bodys cycles to recognize when a woman is most fertile. Do the pretest for core module for your category in section 2. One of the oldest ways of natural family planning, this is based simply on the calendar. Oct 08, 2015 family planning allows couples to attain their desired number of children and determine the spacing of the pregnancies. Birth control methods options chart family planning. Read this article to understand the importance of family planning and the different types by which you can plan your family. Improve pregnancy planning and spacing, and prevent unintended pregnancy. In a culture where smaller family size is becoming a norm, young women adopt family planning at an earlier age than their older counterparts.

A guide to family planning world health organization. Family planning allows couples to attain their desired number of children and determine the spacing of the pregnancies. There are a number of different methods and it is important to choose one that best meets an individuals needs and circumstances. They can be used alone or along with any other family planning method. Explaining contraception and the birth control method options chart pdf 472. For example, teenage mothers are at a higher risk for anemia, placental complications and high blood pressure, while older mothers are at a higher risk of experiencing placental and bleeding problems. Condoms can be bought at many pharmacies and markets, and are often available at health posts and through aids prevention programs. Periodic abstinence fertility awareness method use of breastfeeding or lactational amenorrhoea method lam coitus interruptus withdrawal or pulling out method. Family planning has clinics located throughout new zealand. Millions more are using family planning to avoid pregnancy but fail, for a.

There are two kinds of oral contraceptives, the combined oral contraceptive coc. The ecp can be taken up to 5 days after unprotected sex but it is most effective if taken in the first 24 hours. Terms, such as singleuse plans, continuing plans, policy. If you weigh more than 70kg and you choose to take ecp, you should ask if taking a double dose is the right option for you. Because the mans semen stays in the bag, the sperm cannot enter the womans body. Family planning involves the use of all techniques, practices, and medical devices that help a couple plan their family. Family planning methods and birth spacing after childbirth 2 session objectives define postpartum contraception explain the benefits of birthspacing for both breastfeeding and nonbreastfeeding women, discuss. You can use natural family planning to control pregnancy in several ways. Combined oral contraceptives cocs or the pill it contains two hormones estrogen and progestogen. Sep 26, 2017 family planning saves women from the health hazards of unplanned pregnancies or complications resulting from giving birth during vulnerable times. The condom is a narrow bag of thin rubber that the man wears on his penis during sex.

Family planning and the health of women and children and overview of family planning methods contains references to the demographic data of the country in which the training is occurring or the home country of the participants, if that is different. Couples have many choices when it comes to family planning methods. Modern methods of family planning department of health. Also, read the ultimate family planning guide with faqs thinking this through together. If you weigh more than 70kg, the ecp is less effective and a copper iud is recommended. The report was edited by jared rosenberg and copyedited by haley ball. The sooner they are taken, the more effective they are. Planning is the first of essential managerial functions. Hesperian health guides barrier methods of family planning.

Planning involves selecting from among alternative future. Jul 16, 2019 the importance of family planning cannot be ignored considering the environmental issue cropping up because of overpopulation. However, it often involves methods and practices in addition to contraception. Natural family planning nfp is the method that uses the bodys natural physiological changes and symptoms to identify the fertile and infertile phases of the menstrual cycle. The authors thank the following guttmacher institute colleagues for their assistance and advice at various.

Some want to use natural methods because it is more cost effective. It should enable the user to make a clear distinction between. This easytouse chart, available in both english and spanish, supports quality, clientcentered contraceptive counseling conversations between providers and clients. Family planning types redcare health service management. Learning more about your family planning optionsand which method will best fit your health and lifestylecan help you to make the right contraceptive choice. Family planning methods are divided in two types, temporary and permanent methods.

Most people who are very conscious of their religious beliefs are more inclined to use the natural way of birth control. Planning is the process by which an individual or organization decides in advance on some future course of action omran, 2002, p. Once you have decided to use family planning, you must choose a method. Promotion of family planning and ensuring access to preferred contraceptive methods for women and couples is essential to securing the wellbeing and autonomy of women, while supporting the health and development of communities. The birth control pill is a type of oral contraceptive that women must take every day. It can help family planning providers to assist clients choosing a family planning method, to support effective use, and to solve clients problems. Before exploring the types of family planning and their side effects, we need to understand the meaning of family planning.

What is planning and its nature, importance, and types. Our strategy at the country level is to increase modern contraceptive use and improve family planning services for the growing number of urban poor in subsaharan africa and south asia using innovative, lowcost interventions that address the supply of and demand for family planning. Purpose of this tool this flipchart is a tool to use during family planning counselling or in group sessions with clients. Family planning types redcare health service management hmo. The contraceptive works by preventing the release of eggs from the ovaries ovulation. Contact family planning for detailed information on any of these methods. Family planning methods include hormonal contraceptives like the pill, intrauterine devices, barrier methods, and sterilization. All sexually active adults must consider family planning issues. Knowledge of contraceptive methods among sexually active unmarried women is very high. Although family planning use in malawi has notably increased in recent. Injectables are most effective when women remember to come back for reinjection on time. Featured indicators include the percentage of married women using modern and traditional family planning methods, unmet need for family planning, use of modern contraception by wealth group, and demand for family planning satisfied by modern. To make this programme more popular, cafeteria approach was adopted. Checklists for family planning and related preventive health.

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